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2x3 EarthMinded Diverter + 2 blue top shut off valves + drill bits
2x3 EarthMinded Diverter + 2 blue top shut off valves + drill bits
2x3 EarthMinded Diverter + 2 blue top shut off valves + drill bits
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Aquabarrel and EarthMinded DIY Rain Barrel Diverter and Parts Kit for 2 x 3 inch regular downspouts (yes they can be in stalled in a 3x4 downspout and work just fine for 75 gallon and smaller containers) is a Patented downspout rain water diverting system that allows you to convert any plastic barrel or container into a rain barrel with just a few common tools.
Position rain barrels at nearly any downspout around the home, garage or out-building to divert and store rainwater that can be used for all types of irrigation of plants and landscaping, and around the barn too. Rain barrels are an inexpensive and environmentally friendly method of helping to save free water and reduce your water bill. Municipalities treat water with lots of chemicals that you will not find in rain water that your plants and soil will do better with.
The patented FlexiFit diverter in your choice of White or Black installs in a 2 -1/8" hole on the 3" side of any standard 2” x 3” or 3” x 4” rectangular downspout. The diverter directs a portion of the downspout's rainwater over to the barrel. Once the water level in the barrel is is at the same height as the diverter, the excess water will flow through the hole in the middle of the diverter diverter and continue down the downspout. Kits are offered with and without drill bit sets to keep you from buying extra drill bits if buying more then 1 kit. The kits include 2 spigots. 1 is mounted higher up and shaped to point downward for filling watering cans and the other attaches down low to assist with draining by adding your garden hose. TheFlexiFit diverter and an enclosed system are the best systems for collection and holding of rain water.
The Aquabarrel / EarthMinded FlexiFit diverter when installed as directed will keep your rain barrel from overflowing and making a muddy mess next to the foundation of your home. And best of all you are not having to sever your downspout to have to install it!
The parts in the Aqaubarrel EarthMind kit are not designed for use with metal drums.
Basic tools are necessary to install the parts: drill, level, measuring tape, #2 phillips head screw driver, pencil or marker, safety glasses, safety gloves (and dril bits 2-1/18", 1-1/2", 1- 1/4 if you are not buying the kit with drill bits includes).
Chose white to bend in OR black for $avings
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